~ Computer Services Survey ~

  NICE Net Techs appreciates your comments.  We will use your comments to find areas where we can improve our service to you.  Any information you provide in this survey is optional and will be kept confidential.  
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Company name:


City, St. Zip:

Phone #:   Fax #:

Email address:


  1. Overall, how satisfied are you with your current computer service technician?

    Completely satisfied

    Very satisfied

    Somewhat satisfied

    Not at all satisfied

  2. How likely will you be to contact your current computer service technician for future support?

    Completely satisfied

    Very satisfied

    Somewhat satisfied

    Not at all satisfied

  3. In the past few months, have you recommended your computer service technician to friends or colleagues?


    No, but I am willing to recommend them

    No, I would recommend against them

  4. How would you rate your current computer service technician on...?

      Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
    a.  Treating you with respect
    b.  Being courteous
    c.  Being clean and orderly
    d.  Being accessible for you when you need them
    e.  Being knowledgeable
    f.  Ability  to address your questions or concerns
    g.  Being professional
    h.  Providing you with information to help you use your computer
    i.  Following up on your issues
    j.  Completing or solving your issues/requests
    k.  Handling your requests in a timely manner
    l.  Explaining changes to your computers
    m.  Informing you of new products and services available

    Please comment on what improvements that could be made to better meet your needs.


Computer Service Survey
Revised: January 30 2007

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