Computer Reconfiguration Information


What to expect:

Prior to reconfiguration:

    ü Confirm that you understand the risks involved
ü Locate all disks that came with your PC
Locate all disks for programs to be re-installed
Specify what to backup
Perform your own backup
Scan your backups for infections
Plan and schedule down-time
Obtain/configure a loaner PC if necessary
Determine necessary upgrades and changes if any
Obtain a price quote for reconfiguration
Determine who will hook up PC after reconfiguration
Note what items will be reinstalled
Properly shutdown and unplug PC
            - Make a note of where each cable goes for plugging back in

Plan and schedule a follow-up visit or phone call with an IT professional after reconfiguration

Possible difficulties:

Ways to make it easier:

Post reconfiguration:

What to backup:

¨ Complete Hard Drive ¨ Program data
¨ My Documents ¨ Other users' data
¨ E-mails / address books ¨ E-mail configuration & account settings
¨ Favorites / bookmarks ¨ Nothing

What to re-install:

¨ Microsoft Word ¨ Microsoft Excel
¨ Anti-Virus ¨ Spy Doctor
¨ Browsers ¨ E-mail
¨ Network config ¨ Other specific


¨ RAM ¨ Programs / devices
¨ Hard Drive ¨ Expansion boards

Passwords or requirements:

Windows username:_______________________________  Password:____________________________
        App username:_______________________________  Password:____________________________


        I understand that the IT professional will do what ever is necessary to provide the above services as requested on this form.


        I also understand that there may be circumstances beyond the control of the IT professional that could prohibit these services from being performed.


        I understand that a date of completion has been estimated on this form and that if certain services can not be performed or return date can not be met by the IT professional, the IT professional will notify me prior to reconfiguration; if I choose to continue in spite of services not being performed, that PC will be returned to be in it's current condition.


I have read and understand the terms & conditions listed above and certify my agreement with these terms.

Signature:                                                                                                                                         Date: